Posts tagged suppportlocal
Women-Led Businesses and Why They Matter More Than Ever

As a Latina journalist, I find comfort working in a women-led business and here’s why…I had so many jobs where my coworkers were mostly men, and though they were professional and treated me as equal, I still felt so isolated in a job place lacking diversity. Whether it be one to two women in a business meeting, or some of our projects missing a female point of view...we needed more representation.

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Aleppo Soap Scent Brought My Mother to Tears

My mother received the soaps on time with the signature bag. I received a call from her in tears because she was in awe of the products. She said, “They smell just like home (Syria) and the bag is so beautiful, it’s exactly like the ones I’ve seen in Aleppo.” I told her that these products were made in Syria by local artisans which made her tear up even more.

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