When you scroll through our website you will find handmade, organic and environmentally friendly products wrapped in ribbon and adorned with Arabic calligraphy cards. Our gifts are aesthetically pleasing; and most importantly, our gifts carry a story.
Our team works many hours to bring you high end quality products, but have you ever thought about what these products have been through to finally arrive at your home? Have you ever thought about the challenges of working with a country that is economically sanctioned by the United States? Or the nitty gritty complexity of logistics from Syria to Los Angeles?
Let us give you a summary on the ‘behind the scenes’ and not so “glamorous” side of Mint+Laurel.
As a result of a 10 year war, Syrians currently suffer a shortage of basic materials. Ranging between electricity, water, Wi-Fi and gas; the country is also dealing with a high surge of inflation that has left costs soaring.
According to the UN World Food Program (WFP), the price of food increased by 30% and nearly 12.4 million Syrians (60% of the population) lack access to sufficient food.
Such circumstances have naturally caused a rise of costs for raw materials.
In Mint + Laurel’s case- cotton threads and soap ingredients have become expensive, which directly impacts our artisans, forcing them to increase their rates in order to keep up with the costs of living.
Through Arabic Whatsapp messages and voice notes, Mint+Laurel communicates with our artisans based in Aleppo, Hama and Damascus. This factor in itself is a challenge.
The sudden and constant cuts of electricity or Wi-Fi hinders direct communication with our partners, and since Whatsapp is our only form of reaching the artisans; it has been quite a challenge trying to establish a stable method of contact.
Our communication with the artisans is not limited to putting in orders; our team spends hours requesting product specifications, comparing materials and requesting tangible samples before deciding to feature a product on the Mint+Laurel website.
Another dramatic challenge we face is related to the fluctuating changing rate of the Syrian pound (Lira).
In April 2021, 1 US Dollar was equal to 2,512 Syrian pounds. As of June 2021, the rate fluctuated again and currently stands at 1 US Dollar equal to 1,257 Syrian pounds.
Our Mint+Laurel purchase model is not based on commission. When we buy products from the artisans, they receive payment immediately. It is not a ‘if products X sells, then you get paid’ model.
Map of Syria by Britannica
It is illegal in Syria to sell or purchase in US dollars, all transactions need to be completed in the Lira. Our team on the ground has to literally carry bags and suitcases to deliver cash payments to our partners.
Once the quantity and quality of products has been decided and payment has reached the artisans; the second phase of the journey begins.
Mint+Laurel works with artisans across different cities in Syria.Our soaps are from Aleppo, our textiles are from Hama and our pouches are from Damascus. The meeting point of all the products is Damascus and coordination to get them to Damascus requires intensive logistical acumen. Some artisans send the products via bus and some physically bring them to Damascus via suitcases.
Once the products arrive safely in Damascus, they are placed in a container, sealed, protected, and flown to the port in Beirut, Lebanon. After Beirut, the container is shipped to France. Once the ship docks in France, the container gets transferred to another cargo that will bring it directly to Los Angeles, California. The products go through US customs in California before finally making their way to the Mint+Laurel warehouse.
The journey takes about three weeks to be completed. And in our highly volatile world, major events affect the speed and prices of the entire shipping journey.
When the tragic Beirut port explosion occurred on August 4, 2020, our shipping slowed down for weeks as the port slowly recovered. In March 2021,the Evergreen Ship got stuck in the Suez Canal obstructing trade routes across the world - Mint+Laurel was not able to ship any products as airports were closed and gasoline supplies decreased.
But we are not done yet.
After paying US customs costs and receiving the products in our warehouse; the third phase of the journey begins.
The Mint+Laurel team begins hand wrapping soap bars, adding labels and packaging gifts. We purchase ribbons, tissue paper, wooden boxes and props. We assemble the gifts and arrange hour long photoshoots of the products. We start marketing the products via social media and word of mouth.
And when our customers buy our products, we ship it to you!
Our price point is reflective to a combination of factors that influence this journey.
This rundown was a short summary of our Mint+Laurel operational process. It is hard work and detail heavy, but witnessing the social and educational impact of this labor makes all efforts worth it.
Next time you purchase from us, keep in mind the product's global journey, price point and back story. Shop local and show your appreciation and support to small businesses and women entrepreneurs.