I'm a psychologist, and here's why I support Mint + Laurel
Dr. Jackie Parke (L) with M + L Cofounder, Kinda Hibrawi (R)
The year 2014 involved a dramatically unexpected course of events that altered the paths of my life and heart forever. As a child/adolescent psychologist, I was invited to join an international team of mentors on two trips to the Syrian/Turkish border. I am not Syrian or even Middle Eastern; I was a Westerner, born and raised in southern California, so it was an honor to even be invited.
It’s difficult to find words for the beauty and depth of the Syrian people that I met on those trips. It’s also difficult to articulate the richness and profundity of their cultural heritage.
I remember being surrounded by hundreds of Syrian schoolchildren--listening to them sing the songs of their beloved homeland in unison; dancing with them; playing basketball and soccer with them. These were children whose families fled the war to seek safety and stability. They are sometimes called a “lost generation” but what I found in them was incredible joy, generosity, warmth, creativity, and humor.
Syrian children at school on the Syrian-Turkish border. photo by Mohamad Ojjeh for Karam Foundation
Syrian hospitality at its best. Sharing a meal at the home of displaced Syrian family in Reyhanli, Turkey on the Syrian-Turkish border. Photo by Jackie Parke.
I also had the honor of interacting with Syrian adults who were my teammates or the schoolteachers of these children. They have left an indelible impression on my heart as well. Having lived through unspeakable events themselves related to the war, these were people who were bringing leadership, a positive example, hope into each other’s lives and the lives of the children. Although they had experienced so much fragmentation and chaos, what I found in them was an impossible poetry, hospitality, light, and beauty.
I support Mint + Laurel because Syria and her people have touched my heart in a way I can’t describe. When I use the Mint + Laurel soaps that I have in my home, I am tangibly reminded of the mysterious beauty of Syria. How wonderful that simple everyday objects we have in our homes--like soap or textiles or clothing--can serve to sustain an ancient Syrian artistry that is deeper and richer than we could ever imagine!
For those of us who are not Syrian--maybe not even Middle Eastern--the news can seem bewildering and it’s easy to think we have no power to change anything. The truth is that the world can be changed by simple next steps, taken by everyday people like you and me. Buying soap is one example.
By supporting Mint + Laurel, we are supporting Syrian artisans who are keeping alive ancient aspects of their culture. This allows future generations to see, taste, smell, and touch Syria. It also enables future generations of Syrians to carry on this beautiful artistry themselves. Thank you Mint + Laurel for bringing Syria into our homes around the world!
Learn more about Dr. Parke’s work jackieparke.com