Three Ways to Help Lebanon Now

Following the tragic event that took place in Beirut last week, many of us are feeling helpless, with our attention on Lebanon and wondering how we can support. If you are looking to donate or support ongoing and emerging initiatives, please consider the following three ways you can help Lebanon now:

help Lebanon now
To Beirut With Love Fundraiser

To Beirut With Love Fundraiser

    With or without money

    • Mint + Laurel Fundraiser: In solidarity with the Lebanese people, from August 5 - 15th, Mint + Laurel will be donating proceeds from online sales to the Lebanese Red Cross and Lebanese Food Bank. Use the code SHIP2ME to receive free shipping within the US at checkout. 

    • Relief and Repatriation for Domestic Workers in Lebanon - A grassroots initiative that began long before the explosion, photographer Aline Deschamps, set up a fundraiser to provide urgent relief to domestic workers affected by the severe economic crisis and COVID-19 outbreak. Your support will go towards urgent shelter, food, and safe return and reintegration for migrant women in Beirut.

    • Local NGOs mobilizing funds now - Additionally, here is a comprehensive list of fundraisers and local NGOs mobilizing funds right now to deliver urgent services on the ground. This list includes organizations like, Impact Lebanon, is a non-profit that brings the community together, including the global Lebanese diaspora, to pursue initiatives that deliver impact for Lebanon. They have set up a crowdfunding campaign to help organizations on the ground.

    • Rebuilding small businesses impacted by the blast - An initiative to rebuild small business owners and artisans in two neighborhoods heavily impacted by the explosion - Gemmayze and Mar Mkhael - Fundraiser


    If you are in Lebanon and in a position to volunteer, there are several organizations looking for an extra set of hands, from helping with clean up, to distributing food and providing emergency social services. While so many volunteers are needed, here are a few of the initiatives to consider right now:

    • Basmeh & Zeitooneh A humanitarian organization dedicated to serving and empowering individuals so that they may lead a life of dignity and independence.


    • By making a purchase with Mint and Laurel today, you are truly making a 365-degree impact from Aleppo to Los Angeles to Beirut. We believe in building a strong sense of community, from responding to COVID-19 to supporting survivors of domestic violence in the US. With your help, during these challenging times, we have been able to collectively build a virtual “giving community” from East to West. And now, when the people of Lebanon need us the most, we will be there to support the Lebanese community from Aleppo to LA to Beirut and beyond. For more information on the causes we stand behind and previous campaigns, check out our social impact page.

    • Amazing ideas and calls to action are coming from all corners of the globe. For example, restaurants in DC are making special Lebanese inspired dishes to raise money for a cause. 

    What are you doing today to show your solidarity and support for Lebanon? 

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