Rockin'Roses - Women Supporting Women

Inspired by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, our newest Rockin’Rose gift box is dedicated to all the amazing rockstar women in our lives, be it a best friend, sister, daughter, mentor, or wife.
In making this beautiful box, we asked ourselves how women support other women to be the best versions of their rockstar selves. Here are a five suggestions that inspire us to support one another:


1. Encouraging each other’s creative endeavors and passions.

2. Offer your time and skills to mentor a young woman in the same field. Having support from experienced women can grow confidence in younger women to its furthest bounds, and inspire them to chase after their dreams — no matter how daunting they may be.

3. Listening to each other’s needs and communicate often.

4. Turn over the conversation to those who might go unheard. Sometimes, it can be difficult to “lean in” as Sheryl Sandberg inspires, but women can support each other by diverting attention to someone who has something to say, but hasn’t found the right opportunity to say it.

5. Creating that space to share vulnerable moments and to feel heard and connected. Whether this is in the virtual sphere or a physical entity, it is important to have this collective where others feel safe to be vocal and not judged.

Now it’s your turn - how do you support the women in your life? Write it in a message when you order the Rockin’ Rose box or comment below.