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Justice + Humanity

We need leaders not in love with money, but in love with justice. Not in love with publicity, but in love with humanityā€¯ -MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

As a social enterprise we exist in service of our community. We serve through creating human connections, collaborating and growing opportunities for artisans to share their skills, products and experiences. If a community and its people are hurting, we want to do our part to educate, uplift and empower its people. As such, we stand united with our black brothers and sisters to amplify their calls for justice, equal rights and compassion towards the vulnerable in our community.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 we collaborated with several nonprofits to support vulnerable communities in LA, Austin and Chicago. This month we are open to your suggestions on how we may support black artisans, organizations and causes across the nation.

We are here to serve and listen; tell us how we can better support you. Email us your thoughts: