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5 reasons why people are choosing Mint + Laurel for Eid Gifts

  1. Sustainable eco friendly products - our products are made thoughtfully from natural ingredients and packaged with natural ingredients and recyclable material. 

  2. Beautiful design and fragrance -  By our customers’ account, our products are beautiful, our soaps smell heavenly and we hand make and package them with love.

  3. US Impact - A percentage of your purchase helps vulnerable members of our community in the US.

  4. Syria Impact - We support the forgotten, artisans whose crafts are considered a luxury item by today’s standards in Syria are struggling to survive; all of them have families to feed, and live day to day. With your purchase you empower them economically and help them live a dignified life.

  5. Small business - We represent the backbone of America. Small businesses make up 99% of the economy and are struggling to survive. Every purchase you make with us, confirms our sustainability.

For all reasons above, we make the perfect Eid Gift for your loved ones. Shop Eid gifts now.